Apache Dubbo vs Apache Thrift

August 15, 2021


In the era of Big Data, frameworks like Apache Dubbo and Apache Thrift have gained immense popularity. Both these frameworks help enterprises develop scalable distributed systems. Today we will be comparing the two and providing an unbiased analysis.

What is Apache Dubbo?

Apache Dubbo is a high-performance framework that allows developers to build distributed and complex systems efficiently. It offers numerous features such as load balancing, network optimization, service registration and discovery, and more. Along with Java, it supports multiple programming languages such as Ruby, Python, and Go.

What is Apache Thrift?

Apache Thrift is a more mature and sophisticated framework that facilitates the development of scalable and high-performance systems. It supports a wide array of programming languages, such as C++, C#, Python, and more, making it a versatile choice for developers. It offers a compelling set of features such as load balancing, service lifecycle management, and time-out control.

Performance Comparison

The performance of a framework plays a significant role in its adoption and popularity. Let's compare the performance of Apache Dubbo and Apache Thrift for Big Data Applications.

In a benchmark test, Dubbo achieved a throughput of 21,000 requests per second, with an average latency of 3 ms. In a similar test, Thrift achieved a throughput of 18,000 requests per second, with an average latency of 5 ms.

Given these numbers, it is clear that both platforms offer excellent performance. However, Apache Dubbo has an edge in terms of quicker response times, making it a preferred choice for applications with time-sensitive requirements and sensitive latency budgets.

Community Support

Community support plays a significant role in the growth of an open-source framework. In terms of community support, Apache Thrift enjoys a slight edge over Dubbo. Apache Thrift has been in existence for over a decade and has a strong community that maps our and addresses issues regularly.

While Dubbo has a robust community, it is relatively younger than Thrift. The community has invested a lot of time and effort into developing the framework's functionalities, features, documentation, and tutorials.


Choosing the right framework for your Big Data Application can be a challenging task. Both Apache Dubbo and Apache Thrift are exceptional frameworks with their strengths and weaknesses. If you are looking for a framework that offers exceptional performance and low latency, Apache Dubbo could be the right choice. However, if you want to avail of community support and maturity, Apache Thrift should not be ignored.


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